Quick tip about the scopes of Flow when using a Model-driven app with Common Data Service and Flows with CDS connectors.

I had to assign a Team as a new Owner of a record in a model-driven app after the user has submitted the record for review. The assignment part worked, but the flow would not run further after this new team becomes the Owner.
This new Owners team had appropriate security roles assigned to it and had enough rights on Processes (in the customization tab in security role) to run a flow.
So, the issue definitely lied on Flow’s side. I believe the error I got was below.

Turn’s out, I had used CDS (current environment) connector which lists out scopes the flow should run under.
Scopes determine if your flow runs when you(the user) creates a new record, or when a new record is created by a user within your business unit, or when a new record is created by any user in your organization.
Set your Flow to run at Parent: Child business unit or Organization (depending upon your new Teams’ BU’s location ) if you wish the new assignee BU team to run your flow.